Celebrating Laudato Si Week

Posted on: 06 July 2022

Author:Sister Joan Kerley


Sister Margaret Kwamboka Obwogi, a Laudato Si animator, is keen to involve the school children in caring for the environment.  In this short summary, she shares how they celebrated Laudato Si Week recently.

Living Laudato Si'

St. Joseph's Community in Kisii- Kenya conducted some activities responding to the cry of our Mother Earth. In bringing Laudato Si' to life Sr. Margaret guided a discussion with the school children on the theme listening to the cry of our Mother Earth. The discussions aimed at bringing the reality of climate crisis to these young children. Together they identified how the environment is affected negatively by our daily activities and the children resolved to be ambassadors in safeguarding our environment. After the discussion she led the children in planting trees around the school compound. Each child was allocated a tree to plant and to care for it until it matures. The children embraced the idea and developed a positive attitude towards caring of Mother Earth. Each promised to carry the exercise to their homes by planting more trees.