Take time to reflect

Sister Maureen Maguire, FMSJ

I am a part of your creation, Lord.
But I am also a creator.
I have this gift to bring out of my store
New things and old.
Sometimes I must lay aside for myself a few days
To get in touch, to be with myself.
To unwind the tight bobbin of my spinning wheel:
The constant clatter of the loom can become a torture to my peace of mind.
Surely, I now can permit my inner self
To have some dream time,
To get in touch with symbols and images
That mean so much to me,
Unravel the old woollen jumpers
And start new patterns, new creations.
No one has seen before the stunning models
That you will produce.
Not doing away completely with the time-worn habits of the years,
But aware of softer creations
of new life that await me.
As I stand still and dream new patterns emerge:
Bright warm colours giving a sense of wholeness
To the darker greys.